Devotionals & Reflections,  Mindset in the Mother HOOD,  Reflections of the Heart,  Starting Over

Have you ever felt stuck in the start?

I have been talking for some time about writing a book. I have even started it. I have a title, an outline and the start of Chapter one…and then I just froze.

Life got busy, hectic, chaotic, and I started to compare myself to the world. So many beautiful souls I admire write books…so why should I?

The only reason that I have not finished this goal is simple. It is not because I can’t write, it is not because I have nothing to say, it is not because I am not supposed to do it. It is simply that I have not created the habits nor have I made it a priority to do.

Isn’t this what so many of us mama’s feel?

We have things we want to do, we start to feel so unqualified or unworthy when really we just are not making it a priority worthy of habits to make it happen.

The truth? We do it for those we love all the time. So why not make the time to do it for us?

Here are a few thoughts I have and how I am overcoming these hurdles, and I pray it helps you with whatever goal you are stuck pursuing.

  1. All or Nothing will get you exactly that: I tend to be an all or nothing person when I am pursuing a goal. It is pretty much perfectionism undercover. If we can’t do it all well at the start then why try at all? The middle is where we gain strength, the middle is where we learn from the struggles and wrestle with the challenges and grow stronger. You can be all in with your goal and not have to be working on it 24/7 to make it happen friend. This applies to so many areas of our lives.
  2. Pick your Pace and start: When you are working on a goal whether it is writing a book, training for a race, building a business, creating, knitting etc. you can choose a pace that you can maintain in your season and know it is good enough. For example instead of trying to find a 3-4 hour chunk to write my habit is 15 minutes a day. Currently putting out more blog posts, getting into a writing habit, taking more time when I get in a groove but committing that I don’t go to bed until I have sat and written for 15 minutes each day. That is my pace and today I am starting. It creates a habit, it cultivates confidence, and it pushes you out of the comfort zone where you were simply staring at the goal wondering how it was possible and you take those baby steps daily to get closer and closer to the finish line.
  3. Be excited NOW…sometimes there is a fear at being “too excited” at the start and getting our hopes up. The thing my friend is that Superstition gets in the way too often. NO I do not believe we Manifest things…I really believe its grace built upon the daily actions we take that not only make the goal exciting, they make the journey exciting. Leaning in on God and trusting that He has what is best in the end no matter what is a crazy level of surrender when it comes to things we love or desire to achieve…but I am learning it is the ONLY way to pursue a goal and remain free. The goal, the achievement, the process even does not define who you are, it does not make you more…but it does allow God to impact the world by your YES and help you grow in a deeper communion with him in ALL THINGS we do.
  4. JUST START…Let it be messy, let it be scary, let it be done according to the work HE is calling you to. This is my start and my hope is it helps you to have the courage to share that goal with someone today and ask for the encouragement and support you need to get there. If you think no-one wants to hear it…I do!

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Peace & Blessings