Mindset in the Mother HOOD,  Self Care is Soul Care

Breaking down for the Breakthrough

Sometimes we need a Breakdown in order to have a Breakthrough…

Last night I cried tears I have been holding in for 5 weeks now…

❤️I cried because I miss my parents so much.

❤️I miss my friends

❤️I miss going out to stores and restaurants and date night.

❤️I miss mass on Sunday’s

❤️I miss the freedom to get in my car and go visit a friend or family member when we could

❤️I cried because even though my house is full of people I felt alone.

❤️I cried because there are way more Questions than answers right now.

❤️I cried because I know it’s important to find the good…but I realized I was not allowing myself to be honest with how I feel right now…

I jump to serve others yet I’m slow to let others serve me sometimes.

I see my worries and problems as a burden so I keep them wrapped up inside.

I want someone to rescue me but I then feel guilty for their Inconvenience.

I realized I still see myself as an inconvenience to others sometimes. I see myself as a burden and my needs as a burden and who I am in weakness as a burden.

Perfectionism had crept back in and taken root and the Lord loved me enough to let me fall just enough to that I would be willing to look up to him rather than inward and rely only on myself.

💕God allowed me to unravel so he could shine light and freedom and truth.

So this morning I woke up feeling empty…

Empty because of the things I laid down last night before him…

and rather than rush into the day to pick up other problems and junk to carry around I’ll keep my arms open and empty…

And let Him place the truth there.

This little lamb was mine as a baby. It’s survived a lot of years and memories. And I’m holding it to remind me that He is holding me.

He is holding you too friend.

He is the Good Shepherd ❤️❤️

Praying for that mama who feels this way today too. He is holding you. And if you feel undone lay before the Lord and let him take the burden. You are Not the burden friend. You are the gift.