
Are you white knuckling your life?

The Lord broke me wide open this past weekend and I am so thankful.

He showed me the things I didn’t even realize I needed freedom from and one of the biggest is one I’d like to share with you…

Jesus gave me permission to let go of the white knuckle grip that I have on my life.

What does that look like?

The Sunday night anxiety of all you have to do. The feeling as if you are what holds it all together and if you don’t do it right no one will. The pressure to be perfect as a mom and never make the mistakes we experienced as kids. The fear and shame of all the ways you fall short Friend…

The fear is suffocating and that is NOT of God.

This past weekend on retreat one of the MANY blessings was when in confession father shared with me to stop chasing life in fear of what could happen and start living and pursuing life in LOVE which I will add casts out all fear, transforms our transgressions, and loves us into existence.

How? Because LOVE is not an emotion or feeling…Love is a person who holds you even in this very moment.

It’s scary. The letting go. The surrender. The trusting. The belief that God will show up big when things look like they are falling apart. Your freedom will bring freedom to your family. Walking the walk one yes at a time. On step at a time.

I am Praying for your heart. And asking will you pray for mine?

It starts here…allowing yourself to be little and be held and asking for the graces and the help to do the hard things in love and not fear. God is so good. My heart is very full. There are many steps to take but my hope is in HIM and the future full of Hope he has promised us…

Take a moment right now and pray this with me “Jesus I love you, I need you, I want more of you…I need you Lord. I believe in you. Help my unbelief…I don’t know how to do this and I need you to show me. One yes at a time Lord. Be with me. Carry me. Cover me and my loved ones with your Holy Spirit. Heavenly Father hold my family in the love of your Trinity. I love you. Thank you for your love for me. Amen.”