Devotionals & Reflections,  Reflections of the Heart

The world is better because of your Yes

“God gave you such a good heart that he brought all your beautiful children into the world so the world could experience more of it…”

These are words spoken over me in the confessional after many tears and sharing of the short comings and failures as a mom that burdened me so.

Words not just meant for me. They are meant for you.

No matter how many souls you have carried. Here and in heaven. The world is better because of your yes.

Our children transform us…hurt us…stretch us…bless us…

It’s easy to focus on allllll the ways we fall short. But it’s those short comings and the humility that lead us to cling to a God who intentionally made you and your children for such a time as this.

Do not lose hope my mama friend. Cling to Hope. Cling to Jesus. Listen to him as the Father speaks these words over you…“You are my beloved with whom I am well pleased”And see that these little souls are a gift because they are an extension of that beautiful heart of yours and the love of you and your spouse that seek to love so well.