Devotionals & Reflections,  Mindset in the Mother HOOD,  Reflections of the Heart

The lie that nobody sees you

Today the clutter and mess started to really hit me…

We had a round of sickness last week so I was busy taking care of all the peeps. On top of that snow and a dog that escapes and not to mention a newborn. A hubs who is amazing even when sick. Teens with things that had to be done…A business to run. Attempting to rest, because I did have a baby 6 weeks ago…

There is a lie the enemy whispers as you clean and work, it is more like a storm of lies: “no ones sees it…no one appreciates it…it’s all going to get messed up in five seconds anyway so why bother…the lie is no one cares about what you do…or really about you…”

My home is like my garden of Eden and he wants me to fall into self ungodly reliance just like Eve That’s a lot of crap to carry inside…

So today as I picked one room to declutter and clean. I threw away two bags of junk. Organized shelves. Dusted. Vacuumed and attempted to clean the carpet that all the boys have left their mark on…I started to feel that storm of lies.

Then I look at him…my littlest one, and I remember. God sees. He is pleased. When I get it done. When I don’t. He is pleased. He does not want my heart to be anxious. He is not basing my holiness off of the cleanliness of my home…He sees the heart. And He does not want my heart to live in the dark shadow of lies. He wants me in the light.

You too mama. He sees you, and believe it or not your kids do too. They feel cared for and safe and loved. And their love for you is also not based on the state of your home. Do what you can WITH love not resentment. Rest when you need to and know it will eventually get done…and undone…and done again.