Mindset in the Mother HOOD,  Self Care is Soul Care

Me First Feels Weird…but is it?

One of the hardest part of being a mom is that there is so much of my day I can’t control…

I can’t control the babies sleep

I can’t control the tantrums

I can’t control when kids fight

I can’t control how fast they grow up

I can’t control how hot it is

I can’t control my hubs work schedule

But you know I can do…

Control me. How I respond. How I walk into and through my day. How I apologize and bounce back when I mess up. How I forgive and show mercy. How I receive grace and learn to surrender…

And 3 things help me show up this way…

1. Taking the first moments of my day to show up for me. My workout. My prayer. My breakfast…before I take care of anyone else.

2. Staying connected to my online community to help me keep my focus and refocus when I fall into bad habits. Calling me onto holiness and wholeness.

3. Telling my family why I need this. How it’s important for me to fill my cup so I can be the peaceful, joyful, and present to them. And then staying true to my promise of being present. So learning more and more to detach and unplug when I’m not working out and not working so that I’m here with them. It actually fills me as much as it fills them.

How about you mama? Do you need a hand making time for you! If so I’m happy to help you make a plan and walk with you each step of the way.

Peace & Blessings,