Devotionals & Reflections,  Reflections of the Heart

How Can you Praise Him Now? Advent Reflection week 3.

I have been longing for something that feels certain in this season. I feel like in the waiting of Christmas our hearts and souls have a longing to hold onto something that won’t let us down or leave us feeling like we are standing on such shaky ground.

I feel that the end of 2020 has us weary and wanting Hope to come and we want it to be tangible and real.

It feels like we want to rush out of 2020 to be done with it. I believe the Lord does not want us to rush. I believe He is calling me and you to pause and praise Him in the midst of it all. I believe He is asking us to cry out from the deepest, darkest places in our hearts that 2020 has left tired and weary.

I think that in order to truly prepare our hearts to receive Him this Christmas He not only want us to purge the wounds by confessing where we have fallen short, He wants us to cry out to him and praise Him for the circumstances that are hard, challenging, and altogether have us feeling overwhelmed.

I am not talking about a fake praise that tosses away the hurt, rather a deep praise like Job that says no matter what I am here and I will trust you will use this for the good.

If we need a reminder let us return to scripture, let us read and place ourselves this week in the place of Zechariah and let us ask the Lord to give us our voice to praise Him and prepare our hearts for More of Him and less of us.


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Peace & Blessings,