Self Care is Soul Care

Are there parts of you that you wish you could fix?

I remember when my workouts were all about fixing myself…

My nutrition was a complicated set of rules and fear of losing control.

For a long time my success was all based on the exterior part.

The weight loss

The tone

The pants size

Those were my goals and the intention was to reach my goal would fix me and make me happy…

But what happens when You finish and instead of being proud of you, you have fear of losing your progress so you look for the next thing to fix…

Have you ever felt that fear?

👉🏻What if my friend you stopped trying to fix yourself

👉🏻What if your weight loss goal or your wellness goal was connected to a deeper meaning.

👉🏻What if your focus was on who you wanted to be as a wife and mom on the inside and you looked at fitness and nutrition as a way to serve that goal…

This is my focus and my mission to help you. This is the time to learn to break free from fixing you and fall in love with the beautiful life you have to live and the gift you are.

To learn to eat well and enjoy food as a gift

To see exercise and movement as a tool to help you mentally and physically become stronger.

To be in community of other women paving the way with you of this legacy of freedom and true comfort in your skin.

I want to help you. Do you want this freedom?

I am putting a very special pilot group together for May. It will be run on a brand new app and provide the tools you need both physically, mentally, and spiritually…

I want to help you get to your goal of losing the weight or breaking up with emotional eating but also…

I want to help you look at yourself in the mirror and smile at your body, your face, your life…

Because you are living the gift.

Does this sound like something you want? Something you need?

Click HERE to and fill out this application to work together! Together we can create a plan to work on your goals in both Wellness and Soulcare!

I am pumped up for this next step. I’m excited to take it together friend.

You are worth it ❤️😂❤️😂