Grace found in Grief

Honoring Stella

I knew this day would come

It’s the first of many that will begin to pop up on my timeline both here on FB but also in my heart ♥️.

Last year on this day we announced our 8th pregnancy

We started to say “it’s just the 10 of us”

It was unexpected and amazing. I couldn’t believe it. I truly was shocked to find out and so so grateful for this new life ❤️❤️❤️

And yet that new life ended too soon.

Stella died at 8 1/2 weeks in utero.

The hardest day of my life was telling my children their baby sister was no longer Alive.

The loss of Stella rocked our family in deep ways. But what God allows to be broken he also redeems and makes new…

Today I carry this memory and I carry the hope of one day running to her in Heaven and letting her show me around ❤️❤️❤️

I carry the wonder that a life so tiny can make such a Terrific eternal ripple to completely captivate and transform our family.

I carry gratitude for the grief that still hurts but at the same time has drawn me deep into a place of love and mercy like never before.

I carry the women who have walked this road too and pray for their hearts daily.

And I carry the hope of maybe one day having another baby or not and being grateful either way for the abundance God has blessed us with.

I’m so thankful to be at a place of healing where the fear is not so great because God is greater.

I still carry you Stella every day

I set the table for 8 kids many times. I do a head count and feel someone is not here…

We love you. We will never forget you. Send us some extra hugs today ❤️❤️❤️

Praying for those who have lost little ones no matter if it was recent or a long time ago. May they gather above us and rain love over us today and always as we carry their memories in our hearts.