
Can you Cease Striving?

Hello Friend, it has been awhile!

How is it already April?

How is Lent over and we are now in Holy week?

The world is busy and loud my friends. I have felt more and more the need for quiet and calm, the desire for simplicity in my life that is always so full.

My word for the year 2023 is BE STILL (I know two words!) and I heard a wonderful translation where instead of saying Be Still, and Know I AM GOD…it reads Cease Striving, And know I AM GOD.

Cease Striving?

How do you continue the daily grind and not strive?

I felt the need for rest and also the anxiety of surrender in that same moment as I pondered these words. I have been wrestling with them daily as I juggle life with 8 kids, my marriage, my health, my work, and all the other things on my list of to do’s.

And it hit me…to cease striving is to stop focusing on checking the boxes, rather it’s about living in the presence. Putting the phone down. Creating more time for connection. Being quiet and listening. Taking some of the books out of the stack. Taking some of the “things I want to do” off the list and being in this season that allows Lord in the midst of my busy is to call me to cease striving..and guide me to stillness.

What it does NOT mean is to give up, to stop trying, to not seek holiness and wellness. What it does mean is to allow Him to Lead me. To pause in my goal seeking self and ask the Lord “What do you want Lord?”. To take the time I would usually problem solve and plan all the things and sit in His presence and say…”I give this to you”. To slow down to surrender and to grow in Trust.

And the truth is this is VERY uncomfortable.

Yet, nothing good happens in our comfort zone…if we want to grow we have to step out of comfort and trust.

Here are a few things helping me in this season of Ceasing Striving…

  1. The Litany of Trust has become a regular prayer. In fact a wonderful book called “Jesus, I Trust in you”: 30 day retreat with the Litany of Trust was a wonderful read that I plan to read again.
  2. Adoration at least once a week. I dont bring a stack of books with me to do all the things…I sit with the baby and just talk and listen (and chase him) and allow Jesus to fill me.
  3. Confession 2 times a month when possible…for me it keeps me reminded of my need for Grace and my need for Jesus, and His desire to love me and meet me where I am at.
  4. Making time for Quiet (this has been a challenge because the baby is not sleeping well) but even 15 minutes in the morning to journal a bit, read a bit, sit a bit goes a long way.
  5. Offloading things I dont need to do even though I want to…so the chickens can wait, the huge garden can wait…the extra book clubs and bible studies can wait.
  6. Making time for my older kids one on one more…to be present and listen to them. I spend a lot of time with my littles, but as they get older I see them less, so making time for coffee or brunch goes a long way in bringing back presence and filling their cup and mine.
  7. Getting back to writing…even it its messy. Perfectionism has kept me from doing this more…so you should see a blog post a week as I get back to my practice and a weekly newsletter with recipes and things that are blessing me in my season….in hopes they also bless you.

In the meantime between the posts you can find me here in my home soaking up snuggles, cleaning up spills, and still leaning into my wellness journey and my community. I’ll be seeking the Lord daily in the small moments that can be such beautiful gifts in our life if we stop trying to keep up with the outside noise…and flow with the inside presence of Him in our day to day lives.

Have a Blessed Holy Week,