Coffee and Grace Chat,  Devotionals & Reflections,  Reflections of the Heart

He wants us to take a water break

As a mom I find it is rarely quiet in my house. I crave quiet at times, yet when it finally is quiet there is a awkward uncomfortableness because in so many ways we have been conditioned to always be doing.

So as strange as it is, I find that I can Seek out the Lord more in the noise than in the quiet. In the noise I cry out to him, I cling to him, I beg his mercy as a mom with a mouth (if you know you know) and I lament the hard as well as praise the blessings. I am in my wheelhouse of control…and He probably grins at me thinking I can do it all, juggle it all, fix it all and direct him in the process on how He fits in.

But I still end up tired and thirsty. I think more and more of the woman at the well as I read that passage in John this past week. She was so thirsty to be seen and loved and Jesus waited for her in the middle of the day at the well ALONE.

He wants us to take a water break ya’ll. Yet the Lord wants to find us in the quiet. Not that he is not with me in the noise. He never leaves me…but I find that what I need with him and from him is the quiet 5 minutes before the kids are up to read his word and sit in it so he can dwell. The 5 minutes on the steps as I walk down the stairs after putting the baby down for a nap. The 5 minutes before the kids all get in the car at pickup. The 5 minutes before bed in the dark quiet of my room

It is hard to not scroll or do one last thing, thinking we are behind and need to squeeze it out of life…but rather to sit and be in the quiet of my bed with Him at the end of the day or in these other moments are opportunities for living water moments.

Yes adoration is great, hours or prayer, going on retreat. Those moments fill me up so much…and if you can do that than please do…But I find he multiplies the loaves and fishes of my life when I give him my quiet offering of 5 minutes here or there in addition to the prayers in the midst of the noise. I find that He wants me to be faithful to my season and the present moment…but he also wants me to take water breaks with him throughout the day so I don’t live my life dehydrated from the grace and love I need.

Social Media won’t satisfy it. My kids can give some but you know as well as I do they also take a lot…because that is their job. My husband gives but I also give back and in that mutual exchange as gift it is not enough…the world is not enough…only HE is.

If you asked me what I desire more than anything for my family it is for each of my children to know the love of God, to have a close relationship with Jesus and to get to spend eternity with him one day…

Yet they will learn more about how to have a relationship with Him when I give Him these small moments so He can transform my heart that desires to control it all, He can take the worries that weigh me down so much, He can call me his beloved and help me move past my mistake to a place of mercy and love. And He can do that in the small pockets of time.

So will you do this with me? Give him your small moments? Share a prayerful moment with him. Give him your little so He can make it an abundance for you and those you love?

That is my prayer for you today my friend. Seek him in the quiet. Make that space for Him and know he is waiting for you there…

Peace & Blessings