Mindset in the Mother HOOD,  Self Care is Soul Care

Counting Blessings

If there is one blessing that has come out of this stay at home season of our lives…

It has been the confirmation and refocus in my heart on just how freaking amazing my kids are and how honored and blessed I am to have each of them.

I feel like I take mental snap shots during the day. And this day I actually grabbed my phone to take one while she was not looking.

She is just sitting there. Reading. Swinging on my favorite swing. And I just watched like a proud mamma. Honored that this beauty is my daughter.

So many moments to pause. To snuggle. To hug. To smell the baby’s head (please tell me you know what I’m talking about) to hold the moment a minute longer.

This. This. This.

After my breakdown this breakthrough became even more clear.

I’m truly collecting moments like never before.

And I pray you will to.

Please comment below what “snapshots” are you taking time to soak in.