Self Care is Soul Care

Not a drop is wasted…

Not a drop is wasted my friend

From the dishes you wash,

To the ones left in the sink.

From the laundry you fold,

To the mountain needing to be washed.

All of it…

The boo boo you kiss

To the breakfast, lunch, and dinner you make

The work you do in your home

To the work you do from your home.

The work you have to do and don’t know how you will ever get it done.

It’s all an offering

It’s all a prayer

Some is prayed and checked off the list

Some is surrendered in our attempt to give up perfection and soak up the gift of the imperfect.

All of it matters.

It’s all seen and valued by your Heavenly Father who loves you.

Pause with me for one moment and look at him as he looks at you…

Receive his gaze of love for you…

Breath my friend

You are loved ❤️❤️❤️